Thursday, April 2, 2009

Number 6

It is the seventh Tuesday that Mitch has gone to see Morrie the topic today was aging. The two men sat together, Morrie surrounded by pillow and foam to keep him comfortable, coughing and wheezing, today was the day that Morrie had been dreading since finding out he had ALS. This was the day he could no longer do even the most basic task of going to the washroom and wiping himself. He had to have everything done for him; he was now eating from a tube and found it hard to talk for long periods of time without stopping. Morrie had to have everything done for him but still had an optimistic look on his situation. When Mitch asked Morrie if he was envious of the young he answered “what is there to be envious of” Morrie realized he wasn’t physically capable of doing thing for him self but he had to much life experience and knowledge and loving people in his like to be envious. Even though he couldn’t do something a simple as roll over he took at is a gift, his daily back rubs and constant attention was like being a baby again. Morrie told Mitch that everyone would love to go back to when they had constant, uninterrupted attention and now that is what he had.

I can’t get over how great this book is. How can someone who can’t go to the washroom alone see a positive? It astounds me.

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