Thursday, April 2, 2009

Number 4

Mitch has continued to go see Morrie every Tuesday. At this point Mitch had written a list of things he wanted to talk about with Morrie the list contained many topics such as emotion, marriage, love, money, power and Mitch had also began to record their conversations. It was his way of always having a piece of Morrie with him even after he dies. By now it was the fifth Tuesday, when Mitch arrived at the house he was not greeted by the normal smiling Morrie, today Morrie was sad although he did not often feel sorry for him self he was human and had his moments. On this particular Tuesday Morrie seemed sick, even though had been sick for so long on this day Mitch saw it. Morrie could not stop coughing and chocking on phlegm he was weak and constantly needed to be moved so he was not be in pain, but still they went on just like any other day. This day they talked about emotion, Morrie told Mitch how important is was to show your emotions and feel but not to dwell on them because they only make you stronger.


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