Thursday, April 2, 2009

Number 10

It is the eleventh Tuesday that Mitch has gone to see Morrie, he is more sick then ever before the ALS has finally got to his lungs. Morrie is unable to finish a complete sentence without having to stop for air; he is hooked to a catheter and is confined to either his bed or chair. Still as always the two men continue with their usual conversation, on this Tuesday they talked about culture. Morrie explained to Mitch how in today’s culture it is all about money and greed; he explained that Mitch should create his own sub-culture and not fallow what everyone else was doing with their life. Morrie told Mitch how important it is in life to find the things that make you truly happy. He says "invest in the human family, invest in people. Build a little community of those you love and who love you" page 157 Tuesdays with Morrie. In this chapter I learned a lot I agree with the things Morrie is telling Mitch, most people are focused on unimportant things that in the end don’t matter. As the book is coming to an end I am excited to see what happens but am hoping it will be a happy ending.

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